Grading & Results
Your score is determined by the items that you answer correctly. It is in your best interest to answer all questions (leave none blank), even if you are uncertain of a particular answer. The exam is not graded on a curve, so your passing of the exam is not based on how well or poorly any other candidates did on the exam. There will be an absolute passing point established against which all candidates' results will be compared.
Exam Results
The ABVLM is responsible for managing the distribution of official results to its candidates. After all the tests have been completed, ABVLM must review the results and determine if certain test questions need to be re-evaluated. This process may take several weeks. Results are provided to candidates typically 4 to 6 weeks after the close of the exam period.
Candidates cannot get official results from testing centers or from Pearson VUE.
Staff is not permitted to release results via telephone. Official results, including a scaled scoring analysis, will be either emailed to candidates and/or posted to their online application account (on the Certemy platform) as soon as they are provided by our psychometrician.
Thank you in advance for your consideration.